Terra Sancta Trading

Terra Sancta is an importer focused on wine and arak from the Levant and was launched in 2013 by Jason Bajalia. Notable Wineries that we sell are Mersel, Heya, Love Letter, Philokalia, and Cremisan. For some perspective, two sommelier of the year Michelin awards were distributed in 2024 for programs built around Terra Sancta's import book. 

Jason feels that Terra Sancta's purpose is not only to introduce the products to the U.S., but also help people understand the importance of the Levant [Eastern Mediterranean] today. Not a lot of people realize this is where wine originally came from. It’s where beer came from. The role this part of the world has played in shaping the beverage industry as we know it today is grossly underestimated.

Phoenix Skin-Contact

Mersel Wine

Phoenix Skin-Contact


Grapes of Wrath


Grapes of Wrath


Lebnani Ahmar, 1L

Mersel Wine

Lebnani Ahmar, 1L


Heya Wines Farah Still

Mersel Wine

Heya Wines Farah Still


LebNat PetNat Gold

Mersel Wine

LebNat PetNat Gold


LebNat PetNat Rosé

Mersel Wine

LebNat PetNat Rosé


Phoenix Field Blend Rose

Mersel Wine

Phoenix Field Blend Rose


Lebnani Abyad, 1L

Mersel Wine

Lebnani Abyad, 1L


Heya Wines Kanz

Mersel Wine

Heya Wines Kanz


Dar Richi - Hanan 2022

Mersel Wine

Dar Richi - Hanan 2022


Anima Syriani


Anima Syriani


Heya Wines Ward

Mersel Wine

Heya Wines Ward


Lady Rebel Tempranillo

Cloud Amman

Lady Rebel Tempranillo


Elevate Merwah Sparkling

Mersel Wine

Elevate Merwah Sparkling


Elevate Daw al Amar (Moonlight)

Mersel Wine

Elevate Daw al Amar (Moonlight)











Dar Richi



Elevate Pinot Noir

Mersel Wine

Elevate Pinot Noir
